Research Help
Help needed regarding project / research work viz, secondary data can be obtained by sending an email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
RemoteXS Facility
This facility enables faculties to access library online resources when they are off campus.
Purchase / Subscription Request
- Book/s: Want to suggest new book/s to the library, drop an e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Journal/s: drop an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Database: drop an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Reservation Policy
The students can reserve the item/s which are issued to others. Whenever the item/s is/are returned, the user will be informed.
They can also reserve the book/s which are available in the library. In such cases, the staff will collect the book/s from the stack area and keep it at the circulation counter. The same will be conveyed to the student.
In both the cases, the reserved items should be collected within 2 days, else the reservation will stand cancelled and the item will be issued to other immediate member.
Reserve/Hold the book/s through the online catalogue, using "RESERVE" option.
Reprographic facility
A photocopy machine available in the library all the times for use for the faculty and students.
- Charges for photocopying is free for the faculty.
- The Library is not responsible for bad photocopies
- For machine errors, such as lines and toner defects, the Library will provide a replacement copy
- Library staff operates the photocopying machine
Research Support Tools
- ProQuest – One of our most heavily used databases – covers journal articles, company profiles, industry surveys, market research reports. The best place to start most searches.
- Ebrary – World’s best e-book platform , access to over 15000 e-books
- Harvard Business Review Online with archives since inception
- ClaOnline -Corporate Law Advisor Online Library on Corporate , SEBI and Business Laws
- Sage Journals We also have subscription to few best journals from Sage. which has complimentary access back to 1999 till date. (16 Nos)
- NDL (National Digital Library)Sponsored by MHRD and coordinated by IIT Kharagpur
- from Mulgrave, Australia
- Intranet Databases byCMIE ( Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy)
- Prowessdatabase of the financial data of 35000 Indian companies.
- Industry Outlook a powerful package which represents reliable, regular and comprehensive analysis of a wide range of sectors of Indian Industry. This service covers around 200 industries.
- Kindle e-readers( 5 Nos)
- OPAC ( on-line public access catalogue)
Borrowing Privileges
Faculty Full Time / Part Time
Item Type | Check out Limit | Loan Period (Days) | Fine per Day(INR) | Renewal |
FT/PT | 3 | 15 | 10 | 3 |
Oneyear Executive Diploma | 3 | 15 | 10 | 3 |
PHD | 5 | 15 | - | 3 |
MDC | 2 | 10 | 10 | 3 |
ALUMNI | 3 | 15 | - | 3 |
KINDLE e-book Usage
Kindle e-book Reader encourages and supports paperless reading. Presently five E-Book Readers, Kindle Paper White are available. Books are purchased through Amazon for Kindle Reader in some instances. Textbooks are also downloaded and made available through Kindle.
One Kindle per borrower.
Kindle e-book Reader is placed on the stand next to the Counter.
Loan Rules
- Loan Period: 15 days
- Renewal: Once
- Restriction: 1 Kindle per borrower